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What is hypnobirthing?

The name ‘hypnobirthing’ does it a bit of a disservice as it makes it sound really airy fairy, which it isn’t. Hypnobirthing is logical, informative and evidence-based antenatal education. It teaches you the science of what is happening in the human body and mind during labour and birth, the role hormones play during this process and birth gives you a ‘tool kit’ of techniques for dealing with the evolving scenario of pregnancy, labour and birth. It isn’t just relaxations and breathing, although they do play their part. Hypnobirthing teaches you about the medical system birth has evolved to happen within and encourages you to make informed, calm, confident choices for your birth that are right for you and your baby.

Is  hypnobirthing right for me?

Yes, knowledge is power. The knowledge and confidence you and your birth partner gain from investing in a Positive Birth Leeds course can be used in any birth scenario, all births are different and hypnobirthing isn’t just for one specific type of birth, it is for all births, whatever your preference may be, however it might pan out. I honestly believe everyone can benefit from completing a hypnobirthing course.

Can my birth partner do the course with me?

Yes, of course, it is really encouraged that your birth partner completes the course with you (if you wish). The knowledge and skills you both gain from completing course together are so valuable. Many birth partners have said after completing the course they had the knowledge and confidence about how they could best support their partner resulting in a positive birth experience for all.

When is the best time in pregnancy to start a hypnobirthing course?

Hypnobirthing is beneficial to you and your baby throughout your pregnancy as well as during labour and birth. It is recommend the best time to start a course is between 20 – 30 weeks of pregnancy. This enables you to have plenty of time to become informed of your birth options and make confident, calm choices that are right for you and your baby. It also gives you lots of time to practice the relaxation skills you learn. It If you did want to start a course earlier than 20 weeks that is fine too, get in touch and we can chat through what options are best for you.

I'm a little later on in my pregnancy, is it still worth completing a course?

If you have discovered hypnobirthing a little later on into your pregnancy you can definitely still benefit from the valuable knowledge and skills you gain from the course. More time to practice your new skills is preferable, but as I said before, knowledge is power and it’s not too late to increase your knowledge, gain confidence in your body and make informed decisions that are right for you.

Can hypnobirthing help me if I have a caesarean birth?

Yes, the skills and knowledge you gain can be used in any birthing scenario. If you are planning a caesarean birth there are loads of things we can talk about to help you have a really calm positive birth experience. If your birth evolves into a caesarean, again, the skills you learn during the course are so valuable to you and your partner, helping you remain calm and centred in the decision making for your birth, doing what is right for you and your baby.

Which area's do you teach hypnobirthing in?

I live in Leeds, West Yorkshire, and teach in the immediate and surrounding area up to 15 miles radius from postcode LS8.

However, if you live further afield, I also teach my classes online via Zoom so no matter where you live you can benefit from a Positive Birth Leeds Hypnobirthing class.

What do I get when I book a Positive Birth Leeds hypnobirthing course?

When you invest in a Positive Birth Leeds hypnobirthing course you and your birth partner will first receive an MP3 relaxation download for you to listen to, you can listen to this before the class if you like, or not, don’t worry it’s not ‘homework’ just a lovely little ‘welcome’ before your course starts. Depending on which course you have signed up to you will receive up to 10.5 hours of top quality, evidence based, logical antenatal education from me, Charlotte Watson. You will also receive The Hypnobirthing Book which accompanies the course, the course folder with all the information and relaxation scripts you need, as well as a lovely goody bag with some extra little treats in for you.

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