"I wanted to share my story, because I don't think we hear often that birth CAN go to plan sometimes."
"I wanted to share my birth story hoping it can help other expectant women in their prep.
In short, I had a textbook birth and although I am a true believer that you should prepare yourself to every scenario, I was extremely lucky that my birth went to plan!
"Although it was intense, I knew that every contraction was getting me closer to our baby girl."
What made the difference? PREP, PREP and more PREP and I include:
Balanced diet throughout the pregnancy
NCT and the amazing Positive Birth Leeds hypnobirthing classes
Listening to podcasts/ readings (highly recommend The Obs Pod, Ina May Book - Ina May's Guide to Childbirth)
Last but not least exercise until the very end of my pregnancy! Nothing too onerous - daily walks (c. >15,000 steps a day) and pool twice a week until my W40. Do whatever feels right for you but aim to keep a level of exercise throughout if you can.
"The pushing felt so rewarding and I could not be prouder of myself!"
On W40+1D, my contraction started at 3:15 in the morning and our beautiful baby girl was born exactly 12h later. No tearing, no blood loss and a birth that went to plan!
I have spent the first part of labor at home and used all the hypnobirthing techniques we learnt combined with my TENS machine. After 4hours, I was confident that it was time to head to the birth center.. and it was! By then I was 4cm dilated and the midwife was pretty amazed that I was that far into the process. I then got transferred into the pool and could finally get some pain relief with the combination of water & gas and air. Although it was intense, I knew that every contraction was getting me closer to our baby girl. After 4hours, I was 8cm dilated and the midwife offered to break my water which made the surges stronger but accelerated labor. I just surrendered to the gas and air and had encouragements from my husband and midwife who provided amazing support throughout. Finally, the pushing happened and baby Sophia was out in 3 contractions. The pushing felt so rewarding and I could not be prouder of myself!
As delivery went so well I was able to hold baby Sophia, still attached to the cord, for 15min in the pool. It was the most amazing moment! The midwife also gave the option to deliver the placenta naturally, at my own pace.
So, a textbook birth... Of course, luck played a big part here but I wanted to share my story, because I don't think we hear often that birth CAN go to plan sometimes. I hope this story helps someone to find the strength to hold on to their birth plan and have a birth as smooth as mine!"
This birth story is very kindly shared with permission of Audrey, who completed a Positive Birth Leeds hypnobirthing course with her husband via Zoom, as they live in London.
Thank you so much for sharing your story Audrey. Sending you all so much love. x
If you'd like to talk about how hyopnobirhting can help you and your birth partner throughout pregnancy and during labour and birth, do get in touch.
I'm always happy to chat.
Charlotte x